Using an intelligent wireless car park entry system with a self healing wireless mesh communication network
Smart controls and good car park design plays a vital role in protecting vehicles and more importantly their human cargo. Most people don't link road safety issues and good car park lighting together. One of the most common design failures can be seen in the entry and circulation lanes near the front entrance.
When entering a car park, a driver's eye must adjust quickly, adapting from the bright daylight conditions to the darker car park environment. This transition can lead to a temporary blinding, making it difficult for the driver to react to obstacles or pedestrians. Car park entrances can often be located in high pedestrian areas, this temporary loss of clear vision is enough to create serious injuries.
Car park entrances have often been neglected in the design process and as a result owners or managers of car parks can potentially face large litigation claims if accidents occur at entrances or exits where poor lighting has contributed to the accident.
One of the most common design failures can be seen in the entry and circulation lanes near the front entrance. The Australian standards AS 1680 specifies 800 lux for the first 15 meters of a car park entrance during the day and 160 lux at night, followed by 160 lux for the next 4 meters.
The car park entry system uses a twilight sensor which assesses the outside light levels and then the CECS controller communicates with the Tauro Eco luminaires via a self-configurable wireless mesh communication network. enLightens wireless car park entry system uses a proprietary smart control lighting system which communicates via RF waves with a bank of Tauro Eco luminaires, automatically adjusting the lighting levels to 800 lux in the day time and 160 lux at night.
"Safety and compliance are top priorities for my client. Knowing the dangers that can be found at car park entrances, we knew just how important it was to install the right car park entry system.
Representing an iconic shopping centre like Chatswood Chase we wanted visitors to the centre to enjoy their shopping experience and this starts at the entrance of a car park. enLighten’s intelligent wireless control system for car park entrances ensures compliance to AS 1680 and the safety of all our shoppers in a very dangerous zone. We are delighted at the results and we were very pleased at just how easy it was to install."
- Simon Lee, Owner at Serves Australia
To find out more about enLighten's Parking Solutions and discover how to make your car park AS1680 compliant.