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Energy Savings Calculator

At enLighten we are passionate about delivering energy savings to our clients by combining the benefits of LED and controls that respond to how the space is used. We tried to make the energy savings calculation as accurate as we can but we understand that every situation is different so we might need to ask you for more information at the end of the questionnaire.

  • First Name *

    Last Name *

  • Email Address *

  • Company *

  • Phone Number *

  • State *

  • Area Description *

    Additional Area Description

  • Existing Lighting Solutions? *

    Existing Lighting solution details

  • What wattage are your existing lights? *

  • Number of lights *

  • Emergency? *

  • Hours of operation per week? *

  • Please attach a powerbill to help us calculate your savings!

    Attach File (250Mb Limit *)

  • Thank you!

(* indicates required)


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